The Parish Council (PC) is the first tier of local government and the closest to the community, with SBC and KCC above it in the hierarchy. As it is the authority closest to the people, the Parish Council is invariably the first-place people will go with concerns or ideas. For this reason, they are a vital part of the community.
The Parish Council meet on the second Wednesday of each month (except for August). Did you know that you do not have to be a councillor to attend this monthly council meeting? All residents are welcome to attend and can raise any matters they think the council should deal with. There is a standing agenda item for this purpose called “residents public time” should you wish to use it. You are also welcome to just come along and observe the proceedings.
The Parish Council’s work falls into three main categories: representing the local community, delivering services to meet local needs, striving to improve quality of life in the parish.
At the monthly meeting, the councillors will make decisions on what services can be delivered, what activities to support, where money should be spent and what policies should be implemented. The extent of what the Parish Council can act on is governed by their statutory powers and duties and any budget constraints. The decisions made are recorded in the meeting minutes and published for the public to view.
The Parish Council meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
(excluding August),
at 7.30 p.m. in Iwade Village Hall; all residents are welcome to attend.
Iwade Parish Council are looking for a volunteer to lay the Poppy Wreath on Remembrance Sunday. Please contact the Clerk for more information: clerk@iwade-pc.gov.uk

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